There Are Several Access Methods Of Smart Keys That People Must Know

When obtaining instructions from devices that have wireless protocols as well as cryptographic keys for the authorization process. The existence of smart locks or digital door locks is a solution to improve your home security system. When you have increased the level of home security, then you can feel more comfortable. Additionally, if you need to consult with an expert about the lock of your house, we recommend you to call a certified Locksmith Thornhill.

You do not need to worry about the condition of the house when you leave it for a long time and a long distance. The technology used in this smart key also allows you to do remote control. You can also see who and who is accessing your door. You can find out the access history through the application of the smart key device used. Manufacturers usually develop devices and applications that can be used in a single unit.

Smart key access methods can be done in several ways, including:

PIN method

The PIN code method is a method widely used by homeowners who use smart keys. Setting a PIN code requires quite complex steps. You can enter your PIN code within a certain time limit and only apply within a certain time period. You must follow each step needed to set the PIN. In addition, you also need to pay attention to the limit on the number of digits or PIN codes that can be used as a door security system. You can also change your home PIN code periodically to anticipate people not responsible for knowing your home lock PIN combination.

RFID method

RFID or radio frequency identification is a communication technology with electromagnetic waves that aims to change the data terminal with an object. RFID can also be applied to create doorlock automation systems. This technology is usually applied in a card that has a unique ID to access the door. The method used is usually tapping the card against the sensor inside the door device. This type of smart lock method is usually widely applied to hotel room security systems.

Biometric Method

The most commonly used Biometric method is using fingerprints. You can access your house key using a fingerprint that has been registered in the smart key system.

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