New Archers Must Understand Bow Tuning Deeply

All archery equipment has a setting, from the bow to the finger sling. But some have a big impact, some are small. The ones that are generally tuned are the plunger, nocking point, brace height, fair, limb line, tiller, and many more. Please learn a little, ask seniors or read on the internet while trying to practice. Aside from that, if you prefer to use compound bows most of the time, then you must buy some of the best compound bowstrings for 2021.

Not all archers have to know and can tune. Because usually in one community or club there are mechanics of each. The term is a repairman, someone who understands tuning. I know well an athlete who has won several national-scale tournament gold medals but has almost no knowledge of the equipment. It’s just fun to shoot, all equipment matters from selection, purchase, the arrangement are left to the trainer/mechanic. The proof is that his performance is extraordinary. But for me as an archer, if I don’t mess around with my tools, it’s not worth it. Maybe because my school background is engineering, so I’m always curious about technical things.

But there is something that must be underlined: During tuning, the one who shoots must be the one who wants to use the bow later. Even though the one who tunes the mechanic, the one who shoots must still have the bow. Because the bow suit depends on the user. Everyone has different techniques, and of course different body shapes or postures too. For example, the distance from the anchor point to the eye will make the physical setting will be different.

Even if you’re using a bow with an Olympic athlete who’s sure to be fine-tuned, your shot will likely go awry.

Every time you buy new equipment, of course, it must be adjusted first. Because even though the specifications are the same, the performance is not necessarily. For example, buying new limbs because the old limbs are damaged, even though in writing the specifications are the same, the brand is the same, the size is the same, the results can be different, especially if the specifications are also different.

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