Getting to Know White Coffee

There are more and more types of white coffee instant coffee products. You yourself may have often consumed it. This type of coffee is often referred to as coffee that is safer for the stomach. However, do you know what actually white coffee is? Is White Coffee really healthier than other types of coffee?

The name white coffee is a type of coffee drink made from roasted coffee beans with a light roasting level plus a low temperature and far from standard roasting. For this reason, the coffee beans produce a color that is not dark. After the coffee is specially roasted, then it will be mixed again with one of the typical Yemeni spices, namely hawaij and freshly brewed to produce white coffee. This type of coffee itself has become an ancient tradition of Yemeni society since 5000 years ago.

Currently, not only Yemen can enjoy white coffee because there are many countries including the United States that have started serving this drink menu. Not only delicious and unique, but white coffee is believed to have many health benefits.

White coffee is a health elixir. This can happen because the process of roasting coffee beans is only done briefly. According to him, the longer the coffee beans are roasted, the greater the oxidation process.

While the short roasting process such as in making white coffee can produce chlorogenic acid which can protect human body cells from the oxidation process and also implementation so that white coffee is believed to be a very good drink for health, such as some of the benefits that we provide below.

White coffee can reduce the risk of cancer and stroke.
This drink can help you lose weight by burning fat more and faster.
Prevents memory loss and also keeps skin looking smooth.
Makes you able to stay alert, focused while preventing dizziness.
It can protect the body as well as the brain.
Helping someone to be more refreshed and energized when experiencing depression.
Can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

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