Speaking of which, let’s talk about self service storage facility act—those nifty little units that sometimes feel like an extension of our home. It silently wraps up all odds and ends, giving shelter to things that otherwise have no place. Like us, however, these humble havens need a bit of preparing against weather that, from time to time, throws its ever-so-predictable tantrums.
Think of your storage unit as a small kingdom, and you are the king who has the rein of the seasons-monsoon, drought, or anything in between. Take account of your treasure first. When was it that you last saw that stack of old concert T-shirts? Let’s be frank-half of those boxes can be a time capsule from God-knows-when. A seasonal makeover would create fresh life within the space.
The summer heat may turn a unit into a steam bath, while winter sometimes creates mini glaciers on items that are not defended properly. Proper defenses, however, such as moisture absorbers or weatherproof covers, will be your best allies.
Springtime bursts in like an over-excited child, and along with it comes water a-knockin’. Is anyone familiar with the time Uncle Jack placed his fishing gear down and upon return found a little boat of rainwater there? Awkward. Spare yourself the trouble, and keep stuff from being susceptible to leaks or even airborne moisture.
As the saying goes, “Winter’s chill won’t crack a well-sealed unit.” But the smallest draft can make it a giant freezer. Methods such as an insulated blanket or shelving unit can ward off your collection from being a gigantic ice sculpture. It is quite like a warm winter sweater-but for your stored things. Yet a change in seasons can bring some very unwanted guests, including the creepy, crawly kind. Who invited them? Certainly not us! Pest deterrents work magic in keeping off armies of ants and platoons of mice.